Contest for Product managers, Designers and Analysts

Тest yourself and learn new on real cases.
Improve your career prospects.
It's totally free.
With help:

Career support program. We will help you find a job with salary growth.

A career support program for analysts, products managers, designers and developers with experience.
You can increase your salary in 1-2 months.

Fall 2022. Contests for product managers and product designers

Product designers 2nd stream • Fall 2022
24 sept. — 6 nov.
Product managers 5th stream • Fall 2022
24 sept. — 6 nov.

Helping to run this contest

Ecosystem of products for business. It helps companies automate document management, bookkeeping and reporting. In Contour, you can both support and develop existing products and create new ones in the internal gas pedal. You can choose what is more interesting to do.
Open site →
telamon tools
«Telamon Tools — utilities for PC optimization and personal data protection. More than 10 million people have used our products. Recently we started scaling to foreign markets, so we're looking at vendors to add to the team.
Open Telamontools →

Winners receive attention and interest from the entire market

The remaining contestants have an opportunity to practice, test their competence, and compare their work with others.
Perfect chance to get a job at a company without a strong resume. Our rating is watched by the top companies on the market.

There is no need to pass a pre-employment skills assessment since our contest tasks examine your skills. Companies have an opportunity to choose employees from the top of our grading and hire them
Middle or senior
Are you trying to evaluate yourself objectively? This is a great opportunity to improve your skills and get honest feedback from the market.

Our tasks are specially composed with a challenge and don't take up much time for solving.

Past contests

Contest finished
Product analyst 3 stream • Spring 2022
Contest finished
UI/UX Designers 1st stream • Spring 2022
Partners Semrush, VTB
Contest finished
Products 4 stream • Spring 2022
Contest finished
Product analyst 2nd stream • Spring 2021
Partners it-agency
Contest finished
Products 2nd stream • Spring 2021
Contest finished
Products 3 stream • Spring 2021
Partners Avito, Perfluence
Contest finished
Analyst 1st stream • Spring 2021
Contest finished
Products 4 stream • Spring 2020

What are the ways of result evaluation?

You choose the winners
The contest consists of two stages:
· The first is – submission of the completed tasks.
· The second is – the evaluation of other participants' works.

Each participant will add or subtract points from your task’s score.
Don’t worry, we have a special algorithm that helps us detect if the assessor is being biased. The algorithm has proven itself trustworthy during our last contest with a large number of participants.

Honesty is monitored
It is impossible to overestimate / underestimate the task on purpose, assess the task by accident, or simply mark everyone as "good" or "bad". Deviations from an honest rating will be detected by the scoring system and the final score of the biased estimator will be reduced.


Who we are. Why we should be trusted

Gleb Kudryavtsev

ex-CPO at Joompay, Skyeng
I managed products at Joompay and have spent a lot of time hiring. Thousands of resumes, hundreds of tests and interviews have gone through me.

Evaluating candidates is very hard, but I have developed my own framework that allows me to do this successfully and systematically.

Our goal is to help talented people find good jobs

Pavel Shishkin

ex-Head of Product, Avito
I hired product managers, analysts and developers at Avito, Yandex and Chatfuel, I know how it works in big and small companies.

I love it when I or the people around me get to be the best version of myself.
After registering, you will get a link to the chat on Telegram, where you can ask questions.